Using Power and Influence to Achieve Positive Social Change
how membership-based organizations organize and mobilize their members to advance their mission and vision


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MBOs have always been uniquely designed to produce positive social change on three dimensions: 1) enrich their members’ personal and professional lives; 2) advance their members’ professions, trades, or personal avocations, and; 3) enhance the quality of life within the larger society. But it’s often hard for volunteer and staff leaders to conceptualize how these
organizations actually achieve these outcomes.

For the first time, The Power Model actually shows them how MBOs, working with their members, can accomplish this kind of consequential change. This module includes three components to support and reinforce the learning process: an icebreaker, a model introduction, and a case example. It also includes general guidelines, key graphics, as well as participant and facilitator
materials (including talking points).

This module is an excellent way – at board orientations and leadership retreats – to demonstrate all the ways – beyond just political action – that MBOs can achieve permanent positive social change.

47 pages