References & Resources
Publications, Templates, & Tools with a Relation-centered Focus
uniquely designed
for membership-based organizations
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After years of research and pilot testing, the Melos Institute will be making available its first series of references and resources for volunteer and staff leaders of membership-based organizations (MBOs).
As described in The Member Engagement Paradox, these pilot-tested, proven effective modules and tools can be used to help increase and expand member engagement in your MBOs.
Expect more to come as the year progresses…so keep checking back.
Or, better yet, join our mailing list. We’ll notify you when these and other modules become available.
After years of research and pilot testing, the Melos Institute will be making available its first series of references and resources for volunteer and staff leaders of membership-based organizations (MBOs).
As described in The Member Engagement Paradox, these pilot-tested, proven effective modules and tools can be used to help increase and expand member engagement in your MBOs.
Expect more to come as the year progresses…so keep checking back.
Or, better yet, join our mailing list. We’ll notify you when these and other modules become available.
Relation-centered References

Available Now
The Member Engagement Paradox:
Overcoming 7 Obstacles to Build and Maintain Thriving Membership Communities
Overcoming 7 Obstacles to Build and Maintain Thriving Membership Communities
Patricia A. Hudson, MPsSc
A comprehensive look at what MBOs are, how they contribute, and what they need to do to get more members to engage…especially in ways that help their members make the most of their membership.
Complete Bibliography
This publication lists the over 1400 references that Hudson reviewed as part of her research in writing the Member Engagement Paradox. Contact the Melos Institute for a copy.

Available Now
Special Interest Society:
How Membership-based Organizations Shape America
How Membership-Based Organizations Shape America
James R. Hudson, Ph.D. – assisted by Patricia A. Hudson, MPsSc
A groundbreaking book that, for the first time, explains what MBOs are, why they are distinctive from other for-profit and nonprofit organizations, their contributions to their members and their members’ respective practice settings, and their role in shaping American society.
To order directly from Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, click here.
For 30% discount, use code: LXFANDF30
Relation-centered Resources
Available Now
Transformative Impact of Membership
a relation-centered icebreaker for volunteer leaders
Impact and Consequence of Membership
Specially-crafted, yet simple, short icebreaker (with a relation-centered focus) helps volunteer leaders offer specific examples of how their membership has positively impacted their lives.
Available Now
Making the Most of Your Membership
a relation-centered orientation module for new and current members
A Relation-Centered Member Orientation Module
This fully-customizable 1-1.5 hr orientation is uniquely designed to first capture members’ awareness and then expand their understanding of what it means to be a MBO member and how to engage – as participants, volunteers and volunteer leaders – in ways that also matter to them. More importantly, it shows them how using a relation-centered approach to building a personalized engagement plan, their membership can be a vehicle to address their needs and interests as well as advance their goals and aspirations…in essence, help them develop personally and professionally.
Available Now
A Relation-centered Dictionary for Association Management
glossary of key theories, concepts, and terms with a relation-centered focus
Impact and Consequence of Membership
This ever-growing and evolving lexicon offers relation-centered descriptions for key terms specific to association management.
Available Now
Using Power and Influence to Achieve Positive Social Change
how membership-based organizations organize and mobilize their members to advance their mission and vision
A Relation-Centered Member Orientation Module
This training module specially-designed for MBOs – perfect for board orientations and retreats – provides everything needed to help volunteer and staff leaders understand and appreciate how their organizations, working with their members, advance the needs, interests, goals, and aspirations of their members individually and collectively.
Relation-centered Innovators
case examples of successful strategies designed by volunteer & staff leaders
Reading about relation-centered management (RCM) is one thing. Learning how to integrate this novel concept into existing strategies is quite another. For decades, volunteer and staff leaders -driven by their intuition and creativity – have been developing successful strategies that we, at the Melos Institute, characterized as being relation-centered.
These accounts demonstrate the direct and often immediate impact that these extraordinary individuals have achieved simply by adjusting existing strategies from transaction-based to relation-centered. And, as you’ll discover, many have found that making the transition has prompted a host of additional unexpected positive outcomes.
We are honored that these innovators have been willing to partner with us to share how they have conceptualized and implemented such an inspiring relation-centered strategy. To better understand why their approach generated better and more lasting outcomes, these case examples also include a detailed analysis.
That’s not all. Many have agreed to be available to answer questions you may have about their unique initiative to deliver more meaningful and purposeful experiences to their members.
We’re always on the look-out for other novel relation-centered examples
that have – for far too long – been “hidden in plain sight.”
Please let us know if you – or someone you know – have been successful
in transforming a strategy from being transaction-based to relation-centered.
Available Now
How Adjusting a Member Orientation Generated Greater Engagement
Learn how Brian Bates, working with his colleagues at Exponent Philanthropy
(EP), adjusted EP’s member orientation to help his members learn – from
fellow members – how to make the most of their membership.
Join our mailing list – we’ll notify you when these and other items become available.